Tuesday 6 January 2015

15 GOALS FOR 2015!


I know I'm a little late (nearly a week, yes) but sadly I've been having to do some last minute cramming work for sixth form because i procrastinated so much during the Christmas holidays- NEVER A GOOD IDEA. So I've decided to write up my '15 goals for 2015' because i think its a little more exciting than the typical 'my new years resolutions for 2015'. I think that its very important to make goals which will benefit others around you as well as yourself. The idea is to have goals which will help and motivate you to improve yourself (may it be mentally, physically, spiritually etc) and to help improve the lives of others; you'll be surprised at what a small but kind action could do to change someone's day for the better. Now, i know that most people recommend that you make a maximum of 3 new years resolutions and that they should be specific so that it makes them more likely to achieve. But why listen to them!! These are my '15 goals for 2015'! Enjoyy X

1.) Drink more water- i actually downloaded an app called Waterlogged onto my phone to help me with this one because I'm constantly forgetting to drink water and this app gives me small goals every hour or so, so that i can reach my water intake goal of the day! Very useful app- HYDRATION IS KEY!
2.)Use my frees more efficiently- this is a more personal one to do with my school life (yawn), but if you have free periods or free lessons at school make sure to use them wisely because it also means that you'll have more free time at home! Always make the most of your time.
3.) Compliment someone everyday- these have to be genuine compliments because fake compliments won't get anyone anywhere!
4.) Do at least 3 things for charity this year
5.) Use up beauty products that are building up in my cupboard
6.) Say "yes" more (obviously within reason!)
7.) Be more spontaneous (make my parents a surprise brunch, bake cookies and bring them into school for friends- that kinda thing!)
8.) Get fitter! I have printed off Blogilates' 30 day flat ab challenge and her workout plan for January 2015 to kick start this, so my goal for this is to stick to these two challenges and see them through to the end of the month/30 days. You can do this too by visiting www.blogilates.com, her videos are amazingly motivating (even if you do sometimes want to scream at her) and they're also really short aswell with a wide variety to choose from (abs, thighs, fat loss etc.)

9.) Do work on the day its set- DO NOT PROCRASTINATE
10.) Take my eye drops every day- okay so obviously this one is also more personal just because I'm always forgetting to take my drops. But if you have medication you're meant to take daily, REMEMBER TO TAKE IT :)
11.) Always try to put yourself in other people's shoes and try not to be judgemental, no-one knows how someone else is feeling or what is going on in their personal life so remember to think before being quick to judge.
12.) Love everyone for who they are! I know this sound so cliché but its such an important thing to remember. Anyway, who cares if one person loves anime or someone else enjoys classical music? You should appreciate the fact that people are enjoying what they love and thats an amazing thing. WE ARE ALL UNIQUE.
13.) Be more appreciative and enjoy the world. Start off with small things, like scents and smells and the sky. Our world is so beautiful and we should acknowledge it more. Personally, small things like these make me really happy.
14.) Wake up earlier- i hate this one as i do love my lie ins, but i had to add it in because studies show that sleeping in on weekends and in holidays is actually not very good for our health; its much healthier to maintain an early waking up pattern. Also, who wants to waste their days in bed?! Not me (or you)??!!
15.) ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE! Remember, every cloud has a silver lining! :)

Thank you for reading, i hope you all have a fabulous 2015!!

Katie xox

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