I'm Katie Alice and this is my blog (so far- I'm a newbie!). With this blog I am aiming to inspire and motivate (hopefully) young people to live the most fulfilling life possible and to be the best version of themselves . I will be discussing and dealing with teenage current affairs using past experiences, friend's stories and research. I also hope to post some reviews of popular teenage books and articles, along with some images/photographs that i really love and hope that you will love too. I hope to whoever is reading this that you enjoy what i write about or at least find it slightly interesting (maybe). Comments/ criticisms/ opinions greatly valued!!


Wednesday, 11 March 2015

The Liebster Award

I've been nominated for 'The Liebster Award'! So thank you http://aspoonfulofdahlias.weebly.com (twitter: @DahliaBabies)

The Liebster Award is basically an award given to bloggers who have under 200 followers, which involves answering a series of questions set by the person who nominated you and nominating more bloggers to answer some more questions! I think it was basically set up so that new blogs can get recognition and as a way for people to discover new blogs. Enjoy!

1. If you have a runway, which music will you play?

Imagine Dragons 'It's Time' because it reminds me of when I went to Reading Festival last year and it's really upbeat and powerful.

2. What will you wear to fashion week?

Probably my blue M&S coat because I absolutely love the colour of it. I would probably wear it with my black Zara skort and a top tucked in with my black Russell and Bromley boots.

I couldn't find the exact coat but this is very similar!
3. Fashion for business or Fashion for art?

Both! Why should we have to choose? I think firstly Fashion for art because it is an art and for me its something I enjoy, but if you enjoy fashion and can get work from it then even better. 

4. Tell us what you think about avant garde.

I think avant-garde is really cool. Everyone should feel free and be allowed to express themselves in different ways and obviously art and culture would be a good medium. Don't be afraid to push the boundaries!

5. Choose one of these and tell me the reason; edgy, classy, sporty, hipster, feminine.

Probably classy because I feel most comfortable going out in clothes that are a bit dressy. I love wearing my Russell and Bromley boots (above!) with leggings and a jumper or top, but recently I've been more into ripped jeans so edgy will have to make it's way onto here aswell!

6. If your blog were a pair of shoes, what would it be?

I'd say a pair of slippers, just because it's where I feel most comfortable to express my opinions and thoughts.

7. Link us your post that you like the most.


8. Funny thing that even happened during blogging.

I'm quite new to this so there hasn't been much time for anything funny to happen! But I'll keep you posted ;)

9. What is the best part of being in this awesome community (bloggers)?

Everyone is ridiculously friendly and supportive of each other, which I was not expecting when I decided to start a blog! Also having twitter and following loads of bloggers makes it so much easier to discover new blogs and read about some really interesting/ thought provoking topics.

10. Is blogging part of your personal life or your professional life?

It's part of my personal life! I have sixth form from 8-4 Monday to Friday, which unfortunately doesn't leave much time for posting on my blog. However, I'm trying to post once a week which doesn't seem much but will hopefully improve as summer comes along!

11. 3 words that describe your blog.

Honest, Informative, Personal.


1. How old were you when you started blogging?
2. What made you start blogging?
3. Link your most popular blog post!
4. What does your blog act as for you?
5. Do you find it hard to find the time to write blog posts if it is not part of your professional life?
6. Who is your favourite blogger at the moment?
7. Have you tried vlogging? If not, why not?
8. Go to outfit?
9. What do you like to do whilst blogging? (Drink a specific drink, listen to music etc!)
10. How do you get inspiration on what to write a blog post about?
11. Do many friends and family know about your blog?


Tuesday, 3 March 2015

My Week Away

Hello everyone!!

I realise that I haven't done a blog post in a while...I honestly did not mean for it to be so long but I was overloaded with coursework then I was away during the half term and also had to revise for mock exams! However I am back now and will be posting more regularly (hopefully everyday Tuesday) from now on!

So this post is just a short overview of my week in Devon during my half term with some photos that I took which I hope you enjoy!

During the week we mainly drove around Devon in the car looking at different areas because we are moving there this year so the whole point in the trip was to find a location that we all like. But as it would be extremely boring to read a post where I write about everywhere I went and everything I did, I thought I'd tell you about the places I found most interesting and exciting.

First of all...

We were staying on a farm and the people who owned the farm had taken in four little orphan lambs who were the smallest of the litter and so were rejected by their mothers :( But the farm took them in and they had to be bottle fed every morning and evening. The lovely lady who owned the farm let us bottle feed the lambs for the week which was actually the most adorable, sweetest experience ever and put me off ever wanting to eat lamb again. They soon began to recognise us and made 'baa' noises while running up to the gate when we'd walk past!

Me and my family also visited a Donkey Sanctuary in Sidmouth which surprisingly was free and we could just walk in and visit all the Donkeys who were rescued and restored back to good health. It's unbelievable to think that their work relies on public donations and volunteers, so if you want to donate or just visit the website here is the link! http://www.thedonkeysanctuary.org.uk

We also took a lovely walk along Sidmouth Coast and got an ice cream (yes, double scoop in my case) as it was a lovely bright, sunny day. We went into some on the small boutiques and independent shops which was lovely.

 So that is my short summery of my week in Devon, I think if I had written about everything I did you would be sat here reading this post all day! I hope this was an interesting read and that you enjoyed the photos, I apologise sincerely for my photo-placement-skills as I haven't yet mastered this ability!!!

Thank you for reading if you got this far!!

Lots of love,