I have been a little late with this blog post so I apologise...I was actually meant to post something a little more lighthearted this week but today I found out something today that made me put my work aside and write this blog post.
One of my closest friends revealed to me that she is going to visit the doctor about the possibility of her being depressed. This really, really upset me as no one should ever feel anything other than themselves and happy, but unfortunately this is not the case nowadays.
For me, it is the ridiculous pile of homework that I receive every day that is a serious concern of mine. How and why should it be natural that someone who is not even 20 years old yet has to go to school for 7 hours a day, is expected to come home and spend 1 hour on homework for every hour spent in the classroom (roughly an extra 4 hours a day of homework for an a level student) and is expected to spend their weekends working aswell? It's just the most ridiculous idea. So back to my friend, work has really been getting her down because as you can imagine, if you don't have enough time to do all your homework/studying in one day, you have to leave it for another day and before you know it you have a huge pile of work in for tomorrow. As well as this stress, teenagers also have the unavoidable stress of problems with friends and family, not to mention serious fluctuations in hormones which do not help. It's all just a recipe for disaster.
Another problem with the education system of today is that it is extremely problematic to judge a person's intelligence through their ability to memorise facts and pass an exam. Yes I see that there is no other logical way to test intelligence, but surely this is not the most sensible way. There are extremely intelligent people who fail exams simply because they do not have a good memory or are not good under pressure in an exam, but those who can memorise the square root of pie will prevail in exams and therefore in life.
Finally (the rant is nearly over i promise), why is it fair that intelligence and success in school is mainly based around academia? It seems to me that if someone is extremely talented at art or music or an incredible sportsman and not so great at maths, they are seen as 'stupid' and are also made to feel this way. THIS IS NOT RIGHT.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”-Albert Einstein
It's important that we remember that education and learning should be fun, insightful and interesting. NOT suffocating and making you dread going to school every day- this is not how we should spend the first 18 years of our lives. You can imagine the consequences it would have.
Thank you so much for reading. If any of you feel the same way as me I would love to hear from you, but it is so important to remember that you are not alone and to always put your health before school work. However, if you are seriously struggling at school you should always tell a parent or a friend, it is never right to suffer in silence. Also remember that trying your best is all you can do- it is important to challenge yourself but do not push yourself to be someone that you are not.
Thank you again!